Monday, June 25, 2012

Purpose for Travel Ball

This was a touchy subject for both sides of the fence.  There are thousands of you out there who are totally against travel ball.  You hear stories of hurting arms, teaching to win, etc..  But for every one of those stories, there is a counter point.

My personal opinion..  Its great if you have great coaching.

Reason number one.  In a two day tournament, you can get 15 or more at-bats against good pitching.  That is 1/4 of a Little League season, in one weekend...  Against good pitching too.

That is an opportunity that is hard to pass up.

Just make sure you son / daughter is getting the positional and skill set coaching every practice because at the higher levels, defense and smart baseball is as important as your batting average.


  1. Great Post, I reposted on my site.

  2. I definitely agree with you in that it can go either way. I have had two sons on travel teams and one had a great time while the other hated it. The coach and overall team dynamic have a really big effect on what a player will take away from the experience. Cheers!
