Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How fast did Ankiel throw?!!!

Last year I tried to get my son to do his science experiment on the bat speed required to hit a LL homerun.  The math was too hard for a 4th grader...  Who knew?

Anyway,  here is a great article about Rick Ankiel gunning out two Rockies at 3rd base.

Here's the video.. Man does he have an arm.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Winners and Losers

This is from Paul Riddick of 90MPH club.  I have yet to pull the trigger on a pitching program for my son but I do watch the videos and read the emails.  This email caught my attention.

Losers look to blame
Winners take responsibility

Losers look at the scoreboard
Winners look at how hard they played

Losers get knocked down
Winners get up

Losers want to get credit for the win
Winners just want to win no matter who gets credit

Losers want to strike everyone out
Winners just want to get hitters out

Losers look for cheap ways to learn
Winners invest in their education

Losers want awards
Winners want championships

Losers think stats
Winners think team record

Losers are afraid
Winners have courage

Losers are skeptical
Winners go for it

Losers like to talk about what they are going to do
Winners are too busy doing it

Which are you?

These guys are winners
...pure winners...all heart, all guts, all hard work,
all dedication, all respect. I'm very proud of
these guys. WINNERS!!!

Ready to join us?

Paul Reddick
"The Master Of MPH"